Our small organic garden is adapting to the changes with the cooler weather. Even though our pickings are small, time spent in the sunshine always makes us feel better. This week we planted radishes.
Our tomatoes are still doing so well. I can't say I've had the chance to pick many myself as my three little ones enjoy collecting these rosy gems.

Finally, my pot of mixed herbs seem to be doing well. I added in some curly parsley the other day. In this pot I have thai basil, flat parsley, oregano and curly parsley. The orange shavings you see is the pulp from my carrot juice recipe. I added this pulp straight onto the soil - most of it has already broken down.
When I created this pot it was just an excuse to potter around one weekend. I recycled an old terracotta pot that we had, re-filled it with soil and stuck in some pretty ordinary herbs off the cheap sale rack (you know the one's you think that probably won't survive). All in all, I think it's doing okay for this time of year.
What are you doing in the garden this weekend?