Monday, 14 May 2012


Over the weekend as I stared into my fabric stash I realised that while my taste in fabric style, prints, colours and tones has changed over time, the one certainty is that I still have a cupboard full of fabric!   Still in their packets projects, unfinished projects, will get to that one day...projects...oh I forgot I had that... projects...oh my. 

What am I really doing when I am selecting and buying all this beautiful fabric? I think it might be the thought of some having some time....time to create...time to give to something special to loved ones...time for thing that is quite precious. 

So this morning, after grocery shopping, the household chores were put on hold for some...
'me time'.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love that quilt ... I do! Can't wait to see it in the flesh. 'C xo



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