Sunday, 18 March 2012

many hands...

We arrived home from the city after I spent a day at a seminar for work.  To de-stress from unpacking we ventured into the backyard and planted our small scale version of 'strawberry fields'.  My apologies for only one photo. I am having trouble uploading the photos so I will try again later.   
Many hands do make light work. 

Our our strawberry patch really didn't cost us very much or take very long to set up. 
The aluminium frame was a flat pack gift from my Dad a while ago. We just needed to decide what we were going to use it for and where it was going to be positioned in the yard.  We used the soil mix we had already on standby.  The soil was for another garden project, however, given that these precious babies were adopted yesterday, we needed to plant them straight away.  We bought the strawberries from a nursery in the city as we couldn't find any from our local nursery. 

Without much encouragement our little flutterbies knew something was happening and gathered close by.  Before we knew it little hands were digging, mixing and helping to plant.  

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