Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Monday, 28 January 2013

52 weeks of grateful: brothers

wild weather

In Queensland we have been experiencing wild, wild weather from the country to the coast.  On the down-side, my roof is leaking in several areas; my sister is stranded half way between her house and mine and my dryer is helping to increase my electricity bill.  On the up-side, my lawn is looking green, green, green.  I am also thankful that we live well away from the creeks, we still have power, drinking water, a roof over our heads and most importantly, we have each other.   

I cannot take credit for the following photos they were taken by my friends.

'county to coast'

Here's hoping the rain stops soon. 

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

special day...

It is a special day on so many levels; first day back at work (previous post), baby flutterbug is 8 months old and it is also my birthday. 

Baby flutterbug is growing up way too fast.   

Happy 8 months to you little man.
'my three little wishes'

I feel very blessed to have spent the day with family, friends and of course with you. P.S. I saved a piece of cake for you :-) 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

back to school...

A bittersweet milestone will be happening tomorrow.  I am well stocked with pens, pencils, post it notes and purell hand sanitiser.  I am hoping that my stay-at-home mummy days haven't altered my brain too much.  Wish me luck. 

Monday, 21 January 2013

52 weeks of grateful: Sunday

Sunday brunch with girlfriends.

Wishing you a lovely week ahead.



It was a super hot day for a picnic but we still had fun!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

a day of firsts...

A milestone was reached today, another first, a moment to capture and hold in my heart…the first day of Daycare for 2013. 

Today was…

The first day at Daycare for baby flutterbug.  This little guy adjusted far too quickly for his mama’s liking but that’s a good thing right? There were no tears, well not from him J.  A milestone for a little man who is showing me that he is more than ready to explore and embrace the wider world (in this case, the Nursery room). 

The first day for little Miss flutterby in a new room (Pre-Kindy); my how time flies.  She was a little hesitant but as soon as she spotted the cooking corner - the fry pans, the oven, the cooking utensils, everything was right with the world. 

The first day for Master flutterbug in a new room (Kindy).  I have no words for how amazing it is to see him grow from my tiny premie baby into the boy he is becoming.  

The first day I worked from home without my little flutterbies and the presence of our precious pet to keep me company.  It was way to still and way to silent.

The first day I dived into our pool that I had all to myself. 

The first day I lay in the sun and knew it was wishful thinking that I could get a tan (this being the only spare 10 minutes) and one week out from returning to work. 

The first day I really stared at the clouds above and wondered … ‘How was their first day is going?’

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Being Woman 2013 :: 8 -10 MARCH

For more information go to

a busy few days...

Weekly rituals...
Just hanging out at home and at the shops.  Even thought it's still hot one must wear a beanie just in case it might get cold. 

Shopping in 40 degree heat!...
Our main aim here was to buy a bike for his birthday.  We went to a couple of different bike shops but settled on the one pictured bottom right corner from Ashgrove Cycles.  Of course I managed to get some window browsing in of a different kind while we were kid free. 

A birthday celebration...
We also celebrated my Mum's birthday with dinner and cake.  Note: number of candles to are not representative of age!

Home for more birthday celebrations - bake and decorate with as much chocolate as you can.



Happy Birthday! This time you are actually 43.  I bought these candles last year thinking he was 43 then (Opps).
Oh yes, see in the back left of the photograph above - our old fish tank sprung a major leak.  Since the little people enjoy looking at fish so much we upgraded to a 3ft, 18 month old tank found on GumTree for sale with the works - including some fish!   
What are you up to this week?
Do you have any special birthday celebrations coming up?
Have a lovely day xo.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

some changes on the horizon..

I'm not sure you know but I've been thinking about you a lot lately.  I've been wondering how 2013 will turn out for us and how I can work, be a mum, wife and blog.  Nevertheless, I am determined to EMBRACE the challenges and try not to stress in the process (ha, ha). 

In 2012 I jumped into the blogging sphere (with little research and or know how) I might add, and since then I have had a steady following.  It's because of you I braved taking my first e-course at the end of last year (photo-meditations).  I enjoyed it soooo much that I am currently participating in another e-course, 'blogging-from-the-heart' so you might see some changes around here in both design and in the written/typed form.  Some changes will be subtle and you may not notice a thing but some areas e.g. my banner will be changing. 

In regards to changes to my blog space/design, this has simply coincided while doing the online course.  I've been gradually working on these 'improvements' myself so it's taking a bit of research, trial and error and or trial and disaster in some cases, loads of patience and finger crossing that all the techno stuff works. 

On a temperature update...its been yet another hot, humid day.  I didn't check the temperature of the kitchen because I spent most of the morning cleaning out our fridge and freezer as it broke down.  I guess it was even too hot for the fridge! 

Thanks for your patience and I will see you soon.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

right now...

Singing Cicadas resting high in the gum trees early this morning was a tell tale sign of what we were in store for today, that's right - a heat wave.  The current temperature in my kitchen reads '30 degrees'. 

So the only place to escape to is... you guessed it...the pool. 

see you tomorrow

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Museum Adventure

The little and the big enjoyed a relaxing day at the Queensland Museum, walking, talking and exploring.  Just getting to our destination was an adventure.  I took all photos in this post on my Sony digital point and shoot, oh so handy. 
(This is not a sponsored post)

First stop was the cafe, of course, then straight to the current exhibit 'Explore-a-saurus'. 

Discovering dinosaur bones in the sandpit was also very popular and a good excuse to take your shoes off and just play for a while. 

We also enjoyed exploring other exhibits and we even discovered some close family connections on display!

There was time for a few more shots before heading to my parents place for a special catch up with visiting family, including my uncle (above) and a feast!

Such a great day.

See you back here tomorrow. xo.

Sunday, 6 January 2013


Happy weekend to you and your family.
My apologies for my previous 'weekending' post not working.  I am having some issues uploading photos on Blogger.  When I realised it wasn't working I was away from my computer at the time.  Anyway I am still having some issues posting photos so I hope I can fix the problem soon. 
I will be posting more photos (hopfully) of our adventures from the weekend tomorrow.  Have a lovely afternoon and thanks for your patience xo.


Friday, 4 January 2013

moments from the week

a sad goodbye...

'Merlmar Robert The Bruce'  - Cavalier King Charles 

 (1/11/2000 - 2/1/2013)
I remember the first day we picked you up; every day with you always by our side and the last kiss goodbye.  Thank you for being such a good puppy and for all the adventures across the outback to the coast. 

We will miss you so very much.  
Love always,
your family and your many, many friends.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Hello 2013

Happy New Year! 
Wishing you loads of love, hope, hugs and happiness this year. 
I will be absent from this space for a couple more days and I will return with some new photos to share.  Thank you for your support and feedback in 2012.  I have loved being able share snapshots of our life amongst family, friends and fellow bloggers. 
As I sip my warm cup of tea and look into the year ahead I am looking forward to the challenges of juggling motherhood, home-life, returning to work and of course blogging. 

See you soon.


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