Monday, 30 July 2012


This lovely book arrived in the post the end of last week.  Even though we only have four weeks of winter left I am determined to keep learning. 
I hope you have a lovely week.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

weekending 2...

Our winter, woolly tree is coming along quite nicely.  I hope you are having a warm weekend too!

Saturday, 28 July 2012


I am not sure if it's the windy, winter weather at the moment but in this household there is a lot of chatter and songs about sheep.  This afternoon we gathered our craft supplies to make some sheep decorations.  Gule and glitter always seem to be favourite materials to use.  More on our decorations in tomorrow's post. 

Friday, 27 July 2012

this moment

A ritual. A single photo or two - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. (From: soulemama)

Thursday, 26 July 2012

we like to paint

Sometimes making the effort to reach for the paints is daunting as I think of all the mess but you can only turn down their requests so many times I suppose.  Each little person selected their own paper, paint brush and colours; and away they went.  I am happpy to report that most of the paint stayed on the table, however, there were a few painted hand prints on the windows (Ahhhh).  Mess aside, there was something awe-inspiring to see them release their inner creative selves. 

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


  • new bloom
  • winter harvest
  • feather for good luck
  • strawberry suprise
  • up to mischief
  • bird song
Here's hoping you discover some treasures in the everyday too.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Saturday, 21 July 2012


This little bubba and the mama is okay but the rest of the family are a sight for sore eyes.  There is a bad throat infection going around so I am nursing, feeding, wiping noses, cuddling, giving medicine, changing nappies etc, etc, etc.  We have missed out on going to the local show this year as resting and recharging is more important for the little people.  There's always next year I suppose.  I hope you are having a good weekend where ever you are xo.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

winter wool

This month's delicious wool edition of Country Style brought back memories of where we were this time last year.  Last year we travelled to Thailand (with the kids) and then upon our return we hit the road and ventured out west to Longreach in central Queensland.  Some of our fondest memories are from when we lived in central Queensland and every few years it draws us back.  We often stay with our very dear friends who own and manage a number of sheep and cattle properties.  When we arrived our friends had just finished shearing for the season.  Spotting wildlife was very popular with the little people.

Our brand new car! Nothing like a christening in black soil country!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

simple soup

A simple vegetable soup made from ingredients found in the cupboard and fridge is always warming for tummies on cold, wet, windy winter days. 


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