Monday, 30 April 2012


In preparation for winter and before our new arrival, we ventured to the shops yesterday. Some casual jumpers, long sleeve shirts, long pants and socks were needed for little flutterbug and flutterby.  I made sure there was plenty of room for growing so I am hoping our purchases will see them through the winter.  I had plans to make more clothes for them to wear during autumn and winter (just for around the house) and even though time seems to be getting away from me, this idea is still lingering in the back of my mind.

This morning it was a welcomed relief to see the sun shining.  Resisting the urge to use the dryer the last few days paid what's a few extra loads every now and then.  Also getting washed are a few baby items, all white of course.  Over the weekend I managed to find some pre-loved wraps and blankets, I don't think this little one will mind being wrapped in his/her brother's or sister's hand me down bunny rugs. 


Our  menu/message board is finally finished! I aimed to reduce our grocery bill this week by using up some ingredients we already had stocked in the fridge/freezer and pantry.  Having time to plan our meals means I don't have to waste time and energy thinking about what we are going to have for dinner every night.  I can also prepare some dishes ahead of dinner time. 

I recycled an old folder to use for organising our menu plans and grocery receipts.  The simple exercise I completed the other day comparing some food items was an eye opener.  Now that I am on leave, it is worth making the time and effort to become more educated and smarter about making some savings on our grocery bills.  I am lucky that I have a choice of three supermarkets, all in close proximity of each other, therefore, I don't consider fuel costs to be a huge issue. 

Yes, this might be taking it a bit too far (below) , but for those who know me, know that I love my computer.  Making the trip to the wholesale fruit and vegie market is worth it.  I compared some of our regular fruit and vegetable purchases and saved $24 dollars!  Multiply that by 52 weeks and....well... there is a huge saving.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, 29 April 2012


Today promises more rain and therefore it's a good excuse to stay indoors.  We look forward to another day of doing quiet activities like rediscovering our toys, cleaning up some areas in the home that have been waiting silently for acknowledgment and snuggling with our loved ones under a cosy quilt.  Until tomorrow...xo

Friday, 27 April 2012

this moment...

{this moment} - A ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.  From: soulemama

Thursday, 26 April 2012

simple living

The last few days I have literally had my head stuck in Rhonda Hetzel's book 'down to earth a guide to simple living'.

I'm sure you all know and can appreciate that the title '...a guide to simple living' does not measure the amount of effort that is actually requied to work towards such a lifestyle.  I rose early this morning to undertake some quiet household tasks...folding, sorting, ironing, cleaning, tidying...the list goes on.  It was satisfying to complete these tasks before everyone woke and I found I was far more patient throughout the day knowing that these tasks were out of the way. 

Later in the morning, we went grocery shopping.  Considering Rhonda's suggestions about shopping for food, when we returned, I did a price comparison on some items.  I saved approximately $14 and most of the items were better value in terms of weight. 

It's not rocket science but if I saved even $15 off my grocery bill every week for the entire year, then I have made a significant saving.  I could have also saved more if I made the effort to visit the wholesale fruit and vegie market just out of town. 

Doing this simple exercise renew's my sense of being more conscious and mindful about where, what and how much value I am getting for the hours of my life that I work hard for. 

'think about your money in terms of the hours spent earning it.  when you realise that what you buy cost the hours of your life that you spent earning that money, you will be ready to go to the next level of creating a budget, spending less and planning your financial future' (down to earth a guide to simple living, page 46-47). 


Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Taking some ideas from yesterday's workshop 'Food Tales' I made meatballs in tomato sauce for dinner last night.  I used my mum's base recipe and adapted the meal to include other ingredients we had in the fridge and pantry.  This is a warming and hearty dish that I remember eating when I was young and it still continues to be a favourite family meal. 

Dominique Rizzo gave a wonderful tip her family uses when cooking a 'one pot wonder meal'...the meatballs is one meal and the leftover sauce (I made a little extra), is saved and used for another simple meal with pasta for later on in the week.

Another project looming in the background that I have been working on is getting more organised particularly when it comes to planning family meals.  I dug deep in the back of one of those cupboards where all the 'stuff' goes and retrieved an old blackboard that I once used but never could throw away.  So work is underway to re-purpose and re-paint our 'family blackboard menu'.  The only expense was the paint brush and the chalkboard paint that came to well under $20 from our local hardware store.  I have to do some more coats before I hang the board and share some photos. 

I also spent time mending and finalising some fabric projects.  I do love having time at the sewing machine, even if it's just straight stitching.

While running errands, I picked up a parcel from the post office...well not much will be happening for the rest of the afternoon now that I have this lovely book in my hands.    

Until tomorrow...

Monday, 23 April 2012

food tales

This morning I was fortunate to attend a free workshop at my local library, ‘Food Tales’.  Guest TV Chef and Author Dominique Rizzo (Ready Steady Cook) and organic producer Rob Bauer spoke about what inspires them to do what they love.  Both presenters were very inspiring, passionate and spoke from the heart.  The two main themes were eating whole foods and food memories/tales. 
The workshop was a wonderful reminder about how important it is to know more about the food we put into our bodies.  Dominique reignited stories about food from our childhood experiences involving family, land, language and culture.  As a mama, it was a timely reminder about the additional responsibility I have, not only to myself but to my family, who rely on eating what I bring into our home and to the table.  It also made me think about my own food memories as a child and how I can pass these experiences onto my children and create new memories and traditions. It was lovely to have some time to listen, reflect, share and learn. 

Sunday, 22 April 2012

happy weekending con't...

candle tribute bags, inscribed with personal messages of love and support to remember those lost to cancer and to show support for those living with cancer
watching pack up time

getting ready for final lap around the grounds

happy weekending...

Relay for Life...Sun Smart. 
collecting decorations for team theme

making adjustments to costumes

making goodies for team

'B' our beautiful friend

costume comes together

watching the music show

team banner

some time out for bubbles!
This morning we are heading back to the showgrounds for breakfast and to help pack up.  All teams do one final lap of the grounds to close the event.  I am looking forward to sharing more photos with you soon. 

Friday, 20 April 2012

this moment

{this moment} - A ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.  From: soulemama

Thursday, 19 April 2012


In anticipation of the busy weekend ahead and looking after two sick babes, we moved a little slower today and found ourselves making time to do bits and pieces around the house. 

...chocolate sand cake
...time to colour

...pumpkin soup for babes with colds and sore gums (in preparation for dinner tonight)

...scraps for composting hearts... of the rustic kind...

...time to check on the garden


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